Publications & talks

Publications & talks

Please find below a list of selected publications and talks. For audio and video files of some of the talks, please see the multimedia page.


2022: China’s Foreign Policy Contradictions. New York: Oxford University Press.

2017: Which political order do Chinese internet users and the government want? Implications for the international political order of the “Chinese century”. Saarbrücken: Éditions Universitaires Européennes.

Edited reports:

2024: Reverse dependency: Making Europe's digital technological strengths indispensable to China. Berlin: Digital Power China.

2023: Europe’s strategic technology autonomy from China – assessing foundational and emerging technologies. Berlin: Digital Power China.

2022: Assessing the Implications of China’s Digital Power for the European Union. Brussels: China in Europe Research Network.

2018 (with Björn Jerdén, Frans-Paul van der Putten, John Seaman, Miguel Otero, and Alice Ekman): Political values in EU-China relations. European Think Tank Network on China – annual report.

Reports and policy briefs:

Policy Brief: Forthcoming (with Liesbet van der Perre): Technological evolution, national interests: embarking on 6G standards definition. Stockholm: The Swedish Institute of International Affairs.

Policy Brief: Forthcoming: China’s legacy chip buildout: A new strategic dependency that needs EU de-risking? Stockholm: The Swedish Institute of International Affairs.

Policy Brief: 2024: Curbing China's legacy chip clout - Reevaluating EU strategy. Reevaluating EU strategy. EUISS Brief 21/2024. Paris: European Union Institute for Security Studies.

Report: 2023: The Sources of China's Innovativeness. Why China's "Unstoppable" Innovation Powerhouse Might Falter. DGAP Analysis. Berlin: German Council on Foreign Relations.

Shortened German version of the report: 2023: Was uns Chinas Aufstieg zur Innovationsmacht lehrt. DGAP Policy Brief. Berlin: German Council on Foreign Relations.

Policy Brief: 2023 (with Richard Turcsányi): Skeptical and concerned: How Germans view China. DGAP Policy Brief. Berlin: German Council on Foreign Relations.

Policy Brief: 2023 (with Richard Turcsányi): Evaluating Public Support for Chinese Vendors in Europe’s 5G Infrastructure. DGAP Policy Brief. Berlin: German Council on Foreign Relations.

Policy Brief: 2023 (with Björn Fägersten): Decisive but forgotten. Germany's missing Technological Zeitenwende. DGAP Policy Brief 20/2023. Berlin: German Council on Foreign Relations.

Policy Brief: 2022 (with Jan-Peter Kleinhans): China's omnipresence: Open RAN is no solution to the "5G China challenge". CHERN Policy Brief. Amsterdam: China in Europe Research Network.

Report: 2022 (with Richard Turcsanyi et al.): Transatlantic public opinion on China: Great power competition amidst Russian invasion of Ukraine. Bratislava: CEIAS.

Policy Brief: 2022: Xi Jinpings Macht und die Folgen für Chinas Außenpolitik. Lehren aus dem 20. Parteitag der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas. DGAP Policy Brief. Berlin: DGAP.

Report: 2022: The Discreet Power of China's Technical Standards. A Challenge for Germany and Europe. Berlin: Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung.

German version of the report: 2022: Chinas unsichtbare Macht technischer Standards. Eine Herausforderung für Deutschland und Europa. Berlin: Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung.

Report: 2022 (with Jan-Peter Kleinhans): The false promise of Open RAN: Why Open RAN does not solve the "5G China challenge". Berlin: Digital Power China.

Policy Brief: 2022: China’s Global Vision Vacuum. An Opportunity and Challenge for Europe. DGAP Policy Brief. Berlin: German Council on Foreign Relations.

German version of the policy brief: 2022: Chinas fehlende globale Vision. Über ein Vakuum, das Chance und Herausforderungen für Europa bietet. DGAP Policy Brief. Berlin: DGAP.

Policy Brief: 2022 (with Christian Mölling et al.): Zeitenwende für Europas Sicherheitsordnung. Entwicklungsoptionen in drei Skizzen. DGAP Policy Brief. Berlin: DGAP.

Report: 2022: The China factor in Russia’s war. An analysis in five scenarios. DGAP Analysis. Berlin: German Council on Foreign Relations.

German version of the report: 2022: Der China-Faktor in Russlands Krieg. Implikationen für Europa. DGAP Analyse 2/2022. Berlin: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik.

Report: 2021: The Shape of Things to Come: The Race to Control Technical Standardisation. Beijing/Stockholm: European Union Chamber of Commerce in China/The Swedish Institute of International Affairs.

Policy Brief: 2021: Technical Standards: A New Realm of China’s International Influence? EURICS Brief 12. May 2021. Paris: EURICS.

Policy Brief: 2021 (with Richard Turcsanyi, Jelena Gledić and Una Aleksandra Bērziņa-Čerenkova): European Public United on China: selective cooperation in spite of negative perceptions. CHERN Policy Brief 1/2021.

Policy Brief: 2021: China, Europe and the new power competition over technical standards. Stockholm: UI Brief.

Report: 2020: How principled is the EU’s China policy? Paris: Ifri.

Report: 2020 (with Björn Jerdén et al.): What Do Swedes Think about China? Insights from an Extensive Survey of Swedish Public Opinion of China. UI Paper 8/2020. Stockholm: UI.

Report: 2020 (with Richard Q. Turcsányi, Matej Šimalčík, Kristína Kironská and Renáta Sedláková): German public opinion on China in the age of COVID-19. Ripe for European leadership? Olomouc: Palacký University.

Report: 2020 (with Richard Q. Turcsányi et al.): European public opinion on China in the age of COVID-19. Differences and common ground across the continent. Olomouc: Palacký University.

Report: 2020: Who Controls Huawei? Implications for Europe. UI Paper 5/2020. Stockholm: UI.

Report: 2020: Technical Standardisation, China, and the Future International Order. Brussels: EU Office of the Heinrich Böll Foundation.

Report: 2020: Hong Kong – protesternas stad. Världspolitikens Dagsfragor. Stockholm: UI.

Report: 2020 (with Maja Björk): What to Make of the Huawei Debate? 5G Network Security and Technology Dependency in Europe. UI Paper 1/2020. Stockholm: UI.

Policy Brief: 2019 (with John Seaman and Daniel Voelsen): 5G and the US-China Tech Rivalry – a test for Europe’s future in the digital age. How can Europe shift from back foot to front foot? SWP Comment. Berlin: SWP.

Policy Brief: 2019 (with Björn Fägersten): China’s Standard Power and its Geopolitical Implications for Europe. UI Brief 2/2019. March 2019. Stockholm: UI.

Policy Brief: 2018: How China Approaches International Law: Implications for Europe. May. Brussels: European Institute for Asian Studies.

Policy Brief: 2018: China’s international relations in the new era of Xi Jinping. Implications for Europe. EU-Asia at a Glance. March. Brussels: European Institute for Asian Studies.

Policy Brief: 2018: Is China turning into an aggressive or responsible power under Xi Jinping? Implications for European policy-making. Policy Brief. Stockholm: Institute for Security and Development Policy.

Policy Brief: 2017: The deceptive promise of Xi Jinping’s control? The 19th Chinese Communist Party Congress and its implications for the “new era”. UI Brief. Stockholm: Swedish Institute of International Relations.

Report: 2015: Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement in Search of Self-determination. UI Paper, No. 3, November 2015. Stockholm: Swedish Institute of International Relations.

Online articles:

Online commentary: 2025 (with Joris Teer): A new transatlantic trade and tech agenda: economic security standards can address the EU’s and Washington’s concerns about China. Paris: European Union Institute for Security Studies.

Online commentary: 2024: China’s growing legacy chip production - A challenge for Europe? Paris: European Union Institute for Security Studies.

Online commentary: 2024: Trade, Tech and Taiwan: Crafting a transatlantic China agenda. Paris: European Union Institute for Security Studies.

Online article: 2023: Germany’s new China strategy: A drastic change. Singapore: ThinkChina.

Online article: 2023: Germany’s New China Strategy: Following Brussels. Prague: CHOICE.

Online article: 2023: Das Ende der Hongkonger Freiheitshoffnung. Beitrag anlässlich der Woche der Meinungsfreiheit. Mörfelden-Walldorf: Margit-Horvath-Stiftung.

Online article: 2023: La stratégie technologique de Xi, in: Le Grand Continent, 5 April 2023.

Spanish version of the online article: 2023: La estrategia tecnológica de Xi, in: Le Grand Continent, 5 April 2023.

Online article: 2022: Open RAN - not solving the “5G China challenge. Prague: CHOICE.

Online article: 2022: Chinas Beteiligung am Hamburger Hafen. Investition mit Risiko. DGAP Online Kommentar. Berlin: DGAP.

Online article: 2022: Will China Set Global Tech Standards? China File. New York: Asia Society’s Center on U.S.-China Relations.

Online article: 2022: Der lange Arm Chi­nas in Europa. Mörfelden-Walldorf: Margith Horvath Foundation.

Online article: 2022: The Rise of Tech Standards Foriegn Policy: Brussels goes strategic. Online Commentary. Berlin: DGAP.

Online article: 2022: Standardisierung. Deutschland ist am Zug. Berlin: DGAP Online Commentary.

Online article: 2021 (with Christian Mölling et al.): A New Foreign Policy for Germany? DGAP Online Commentary. Berlin: DGAP.

Online article: 2021: China - still a fragile superpower in search of its mission, in: Jacint Jordana and Pablo Pareja (eds.): IDEES Magazine.

Online article: 2021: Wie das Inter­net auch die Mei­nungs­frei­heit ein­schrän­ken kann – ein Blick nach China. Mörfelden-Walldorf: Margit Horvath Foundation.

Online article: 2020: Exposing the fragility of EU-China relations. East Asia Forum. 23 May 2020.

Online article: 2019: Hong Kong and the quest for judicial independence, in: Utrikesmagasinet, June 2019. Stockholm: The Swedish Institute of International Affairs.

Online article: 2018: The EU’s New China Resolution: Principled but not strategic, in: The Diplomat. 13 September 2018.

Online article: 2017: China and the new International Order. Op-ed, 1 October 2017. EU-Asia Centre. Brussels.

Academic and policy journal articles:

Academic journal article: 2023: China’s technical standardization power – a challenge for NATO?, in: International Journal 78:4, pp. 625-633.

Policy journal article: 2023 (with Una Bērziņa-Čerenkova): China’s Complex Relations with Russia: Tracing the Limits of a “Limitless Friendship”, in: Internationale Politik Quarterly & Internationale Politik.

Shortened German version of the policy journal article: 2023 (with Una Bērziņa-Čerenkova): Freundschaft mit Grenzen, in: Internationale Politik.

Policy journal article: 2023 (with Heiko Borchert and Valentin Weber): Toxische Türöffner - Smart Ports als geoökonomisches Handlungsfeld, in: Sirius 7:2, pp. 150-159.

Policy journal article: 2023: The new geopolitics of technical standardization: A European perspective, in: Future of Europe Journal 3:1, pp. 102-109.

Policy journal article: 2023: Why Germany’s new China strategy needs to go beyond symbolism, in: Internationale Politik Quarterly.

Academic book review: Memories of Tiananmen: Politics and Processes of Collective Remembering in Hong Kong, 1989–2019, by Francis L. F. Lee and Joseph M. Chan. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2021, in: The China Journal 89, pp. 256-258.

Academic journal article: 2022: Chinese Influence through technical standardization power, in: Journal of Contemporary China.

Policy journal article: 2022: Chance oder Risiko? Die Partnerschaft des Ruhrgebiets mit China, in: Internationale Politik. März 2022. Sonderheft „Ruhrgebiet“.

Policy journal article: 2022: A Sovereign Europe... and China, in: Internationale Politik Quarterly.

German version of the policy journal article: 2022: Weniger abhängig von China?, in: Internationale Politik January/Febraury 2022, pp. 36-38.

Academic journal article: 2021 (with Tobias ten Brink): The externalization of China's technical standardization approach, in: Development & Change.

Academic journal article: 2021 (with Björn Jerdén, John Seaman and Richard Turcsanyi): Chinese public diplomacy and European public opinion during COVID-19, in: China Review 21: 2.

Academic journal article: 2020: Hong Kong, the end of the city of protest?, in: Contemporary Chinese Political Economy and Strategic Relations: An International Journal 6:3.

Policy journal article: 2020: China’s Deteriorating Image, 18 November 2020, Internationale Politik Quarterly.

Academic journal article: 2017: “Expressing my attitude and doing something impossible to make it happen...” Listening to the Voices of Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement Protesters, in: Contemporary Chinese Political Economy and Strategic Relations: An International Journal 3:2, pp. 747-818

Policy journal article: 2017: “Honkongs framtid på en skör tråd”, in: Kinarapport 1/2017.

Academic journal article: 2016: “Do You Hear the People Sing” “Lift Your Umbrella”? Understanding Hong Kong's Pro-democratic Umbrella Movement Through YouTube Music Videos, in: China Perspectives 4/2016, pp. 59-68.

French version of the academic journal article: 2016: “Do You Hear the People Sing” “Lift Your Umbrella”? Le Mouvement des parapluies vu à travers ses chansons protestataires, in: Perspectives Chonoises 4/2016, pp. 59-68.

Academic journal article: 2016 (with Johan Lagerkvist): The Mobilization of Memory and Tradition: Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement and Beijing’s 1989 Tiananmen Movement, in: Contemporary Chinese Political Economy and Strategic Relations: An International Journal 2:2, pp. 735-774.

Academic journal article: 2016: How Does China Impact the Future International Political Order? Conceptual Reflections of the “China Model” in Light of China’s Fragmented Polity, in: International Relations and Diplomacy 4:1, pp. 48-59.

Academic journal article: 2010 (with Katharina Grabietz et al.): Internationale Politische Theorie. Ein Bericht über die Gemeinsame Tagung der Sektionen für Politische Theorie und Ideengeschichte und Internationale Politik in der DVPW, in: Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik 4/2010.

Book chapters and report chapters:

Book chapter: Forthcoming (2024), Technical standardization - a power source for rising China? in: Courtney Fung et al. (eds.): Conditioning China's Influence. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

Report chapter: Forthcoming (2024): China’s unexpected digital technology power – a challenge for Europe? Chapter in a forthcoming study for the China in Europe Research Network (CHERN).

Report chapter: 2024 (with Jan-Peter Kleinhans): Strategic autonomy from China: How Europe can remain technologically indispensable, in: Rühlig, Tim (ed.): Reverse dependency: Making Europe's digital technological strengths indispensable to China. Berlin: Digital Power China.

Report chapter: 2024 (with Martin Catarata): European tech standardization power – durable indispensability of another kind?, in: Rühlig, Tim (ed.): Reverse dependency: Making Europe's digital technological strengths indispensable to China. Berlin: Digital Power China.

Report chapter: 2024 (with Liesbet van der Perre and Julian Heiss): Energy performance and future wireless networks – potential for new European chokepoints?, in: Rühlig, Tim (ed.): Reverse dependency: Making Europe's digital technological strengths indispensable to China. Berlin: Digital Power China.

Report chapter: 2024: China’s technological power – implications and risks, in: Diálogo Politico, Special Edition “Keys to understanding China”. Berlin: Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

Book chapter: 2023: China: a technical standardisation power?, in: Rogier Creemers et al. (eds.): The emergence of China's smart state. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.

Report chapter: 2023 (with Liesbet van der Perre): In political and technological harmony or disharmony? How Europe and China advance towards 6G, in: Rühlig, Tim (ed.): Europe’s strategic technology autonomy from China – assessing foundational and emerging technologies. Berlin: Digital Power China.

Report chapter: 2023 (with Jan-Peter Kleinhans): European Open Strategic Autonomy in light of China’s digital tech power, in: Rühlig, Tim (ed.): Europe’s strategic technology autonomy from China – assessing foundational and emerging technologies. Berlin: Digital Power China.

Report chapter: 2022: Technical standardization and innovation in a changing geopolitical landscape, in: Deiaco, Enrico/Wernberg, Joakim (eds.): Rethinking boundaries and revisiting borders. Conditions for innovation, entrepreneurship and economic integration in an interconnected world. Stockholm: The Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum, pp. 105-132.

Book chapter: 2022: Die neue technische Standardisiungsmacht China. Eine Herauforderung für Europa, in: Freimuth, Joachim/Schaedler, Monika (eds.): Die veränderte Rolle von Normung und Standardisierung in China und Indien – eine industriepolitische Perspektive und ihre Bedeutung für Europa und Deutschland. Spinger, pp. 461-484.

Report chapter: 2022 (with Liesbet van der Perre): Wireless networks and EU-China relations beyond the “Huawei debate”: Is China a partner, competitor or systemic rival on 5G and 6G?, in: Tim Rühlig (ed.): Assessing China's Digital Power and its Implications for the EU. Berlin: Digital Power China, pp. 33-45.

Report chapter: 2022 (with Maja Björk): Power competition and China’s technical standardization, in: Tim Rühlig (ed.): Assessing China’s digital power and its implications for the EU. Berlin: Digital Power China, pp. 77-91.

Report chapter: 2022 (with Rogier Creemers and Carlo Fischione): Getting China’s digital technology policy right: implications for the EU, in: Tim Rühlig (ed.): Assessing China’s Digital Power and its Implications for the EU. Berlin: Digital Power China, pp. 5-19.

Report chapter: 2022: Action Plan for China and Foreign Policy. What Germany Must Do to Hold Its Own in the Systemic Competition with China, in: Schwarzer, Daniela/Mölling, Christian (eds.): Smart Sovereignty. 10 Action Plans for Germany’s New Federal Government, Berlin: DGAP, pp. 45-54.

German version of the report chapter: 2021: Aktionsplan China und Außenpolitik. Was Deutschland tun muss, um im Systemwettbewerb mit China zu bestehen, in: Schwarzer, Daniela/Mölling, Christian (eds.): Smarte Souveränität. Zehn Aktionspläne für die künftige Bundesregierung. Berlin: DGAP, pp. 47-56.

Report chapter: 2021 (with Björn Fägersten): Infrastructure Development and Geoeconomic Competition: A Framework for Analysis, in: Borchert, Heiko/Strobl, Johann (eds.): Storms Ahead. The Future Geoeconomic World Order. Vienna: Raiffeisen Bank International, pp. 156-171.

Report chapter: 2021 (with Oscar Shao): China’s dwindling soft power in Sweden, in: Frans-Paul van der Putten et al. (eds.): ETNC annual report. The Hague: ETNC.

Report chapter: 2021 (with Ties Dams and Plamen Tonchev): Does China still care about soft power? Assessing the diversity of approaches in Europe, in: Falling on hard times. China's soft power in Europe, in: Ties Dams et al. (eds.): China's soft power in Europe. Falling on hard times. ETNC annual report. The Hague: ETNC, pp. 5-13.

Report chapter: 2019 (with Bruno Hellendorff): The EU’s Reactive Approach to Rising Tensions Between the US and China, in: Miguel Otero et al. (eds.) Europe in the Face of US-China Rivalry. European Think-tank Network on China – annual report. Madrid: ETNC.

Report chapter: 2018: Political values in EU-China relations. Towards a “principled” or a “pragmatic” approach?, in: Tim Nicholas Rühlig et al. (eds.): Political values in EU-China relations. European Think Tank Network on China – annual report. Brussels: ETCN, pp. 91-95.

Report chapter: 2018 (with Björn Jerdén et al.): Introduction: The role of political values in Europe-China relations in: Tim Nicholas Rühlig et al. (eds.): The role of political values in EU-China relations. European Think Tank Network on China – annual report. Brussels: ETCN, pp.9-22.

Book chapter: 2016: (with Christopher Daase, in German): Sicherheitskultur nach 9/11, in: Masala, Carlo/Fischer, Susanne (eds.): Innere Sicherheit nach 9/11. Sicherheitsbedrohungen und (immer) neue Sicherheitsmaßnahmen? Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften; pp. 13-33.

Blog posts:

Blog post: 2023: One month in Ukraine: a field report from a country at war. Berlin: private blog.

Blog post: 2023: Germany’s new China strategy: a step forward, no breakthrough. Berlin: private blog.

Blog post: 2023 (with Miguel Otero): How normative should Europe’s China policy be? A controversial conversation. Amsterdam: CHERN.

Blog post: 2022 (with Jan-Peter Kleinhans): Should the EU be concerned about high-tech research collaboration with China? Lessons from the case of semiconductors. Amsterdam: CHERN.

Blog post: 2021: What do the German elections imply for foreign affairs? Six quick takes. Stockholm: private blog.

Blog post: 2021: Sweden’s corona trauma – a story of blind faith. Stockholm: private blog.

Blog post: 2020: What does the coming Biden presidency mean for China? Stockholm: private blog.

Blog post: 2019: „Münkler Watch“: Denunziation, Zensur oder notwendige Kritik? Munich: Carta.

Blog post: 2018: Ist Xi Jinping der mächtigste Mann der Welt? Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2016: „Die EU kann ein zentraler Partner für den Vorderen Orient werden“. Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2016: „Die junge Generation wird die Idee von Europas Einigung verteidigen“. Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2015: Hausangestellte: „Wir sind Geiseln hier in Hongkong“. Greven: Menschenhandel heute.

Blog post: 2015: Ai Weiwei erhält kein 6-Monatsvisum für das UK. Greven: Menschenhandel heute.

Blog post: 2015: Chinas Aufstieg und der Globale Süden. Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2014: [Kiewer Reise] Größenwahn und Armut. Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2014: [Kiewer Reise] Die Würde der Ukrainer. Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2014: Traumhaft! Malala ist Friedensnobelpreisträgerin! Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2014: Eine Regenschirm-Revolution für China? (2) Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2014: Hongkong auf dem Weg zur Demokratie? (1) Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2014 (with Elena Wolfinger): „Verantwortung“ oder „Pazifismus“? Deutschlands Außenpolitik am Scheideweg. Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2014: Staatsfürsorge oder Marktgläubigkeit? Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2014: Neuer Film: Wie leben Roma in Frankfurt? Greven: Menschenhandel heute.

Blog post: 2014: [Buch des Monats]: Wir werden als Originale geboren, sterben aber als Kopie. Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2014: Freunde, lasst uns diskutieren! Eine Replik auf Stefan Engert. Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2014: Der Frankfurter „Turm“ – das Ende einer Legende. Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2014: Mama illegal – eine europäische Katastrophe. Greven: Menschenhandel heute.

Blog post: 2013: Staat und Souveränität im 21. Jahrhundert. Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2013: [Medium des Monats] Zvi und seine Mundharmonika. Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2013: Über das „verborgen Politische“. Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2013: Buch des Monats: Was denkt China? Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2013: „Nicht Verfassungsfragen, sondern soziale Probleme führten zu den Revolutionen“. Frankfurt: Bletterblog.

Blog post: 2013: „Wir müssen gemeinsam für die Demokratie eintreten“. Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2013: Buch des Monats: Wir nenne es Hoffnung. Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2013: Fragt die Menschen! Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2013: Medien des Monats: „Never sorry!“ Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2013: Was guckst du? Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2013: Die „Psychiatrie“ in der Bibliothek, oder: der inszenierte Irrtum. Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2013: Buch des Monats: Die verschwiegene Katastrophe beschreiben. Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2013: Schützt die Gräber der Verfolgten des NS-Terrors! Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2013: Wider die elende Gleichmacherei. Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2013: Buch des Monats: Wer regiert China? Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2013: Buch des Monats: „Breaking the silence“ – im Angesicht der Unmenschlichkeit. Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2013: Buch des Monats: Kluge Geschichten vom fehlenden Bohren harter Bretter. Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2012: Maischberger: Rassismus zur besten Sendezeit! Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2012: Four more years! Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2012: Was bleibt von der Souveränität? Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2012: „How many deaths will it take, til he knows / That too many people have died?” Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2012: Wird China das 21. Jahrhunder beherrschen? Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2012: Wohin steuert China? Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2012: Was diskutiert werden muss. Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Blog post: 2012: Aus dem Archiv: Wider die Banalisierung der Shoah. Frankfurt: Bretterblog.

Policy relevant activities

2024: Tackling the export of Chinese technology overcapacity imports to Europe. Briefing for HR/VP Josep Borrell, 22 May 2024, Brussels.

2024: Public hearing of Committee on Economic Affairs, German Parliament (Wirtschaftsausschuss des Deutschen Bundestags), 10 April 2024, Berlin.

2023-2024: China Fellow, European Commission, DG I.D.E.A. (including the preparation of the EU-China Summit on 7 December 2023, trilateral meeting of Presidents Xi, Macron and von der Leyen on 6 May 2024, the Trade and Technology Council on 4-5 April 2024, contributions to the Economic Security and technology de-risking agenda, and speeches of President von der Leyen among other tasks)

2023: BRICS and Beyond: China’s Engagement for an Alternative International Order. Close-door discussion at the German parliament “Bundestag”. 19 October 2023, Berlin.

2023: China & EU standardization leadership. Presentation at the European Council, Working Party on Technical Harmonization. 13 October 2023, Brussels.

2023: Charm Offensive Meets Disparity in Interests and Values: How Germany Should Engage with China. Close-door discussion at the German parliament “Bundestag”. 28 September 2023, Berlin.

2023: European economic sovereignty in relations with China? Understanding risks, reduce dependencies and preserve indispensability. [Europäische wirtschaftliche Souveränität im Verhältnis zu China? Risiken verstehen, Abhängigkeiten verringern und das Unersetzbare halten]. Keynote at the German-Czech dialogue on the future of production, trade and supply chain resilience in central Europe. German Embassy in the Czech Republic, 14 September 2023, Prague.

2023: China’s Russia policy. Presentation at the Bundeswehr Command and Staff College, 4 July 2023, Berlin.

2023: Europe’s new China policy: the role of secondary sanctions and technological security. Closed-door discussion at the German parliament „Bundestag“, 22 June 2023, Berlin.

2023: Transatlantic tech de-risking from China: The case of technical standard-setting. Testimony before the U.S.-China Economic Security Review Commission. Hearing on “Europe, the United States and Relations with China: Convergence or Divergence?” Panel II: Technology, Standards/Data, and Trade. US-China Economic Security Review Commission. 15 June 2023, Washington D.C.

2023: China breakfast of the Friedrich-Ebert Foundation at the German parliament „Bundestag”. China and technical standards, 12 May 2023, Berlin.

2023: How to mitigate European strategic tech dependencies from China? Workshop for Dutch stakeholders of the China Knowledge Network of the Government of the Netherlands, 29 March 2023, The Hague.

2023: Europe’s strategic technology autonomy from China – assessing foundational and emerging technologies. Virtual presentation to the Embassies of the Federal Republic of Germany, 29 March 2023, Berlin.

2023: Europe’s dependency from Chinese digital technology. Coffee, Cake, and China conversation of the Five-eyes countries representatives at the British Embassy, 9 March 2023, Berlin.

2023: Challenges to sub-national governments from China. Presentation to the China task force of the government of the federal state of Nordrhein-Westfalen, 1 February 2023, Düsseldorf.

2023: Hybrid challenges from China for NATO, hearing of the NATO Operations Policy Committee, 24 January 2023, Brussels.

2023-: Apointed observer to the High-level Forum on European Standardisation of the European Commission.

2023: Presentation at the virtual China Standardization workshop of the British Embassy in Beijing and the Center for Strategic and Emerging Technologies (CSET), 18 January 2023, Beijing/Washington D.C.

2022: China's technical standardization power. Presentation to NATO Committee for Standardization, 18 October 2022, Brussels.

2022: China’s growing authoritarian cloud in Europe: How can subnational research and education institutions cope with Chinese interference? Closed-door discussion at the German parliament “Bundestag”, 13 October 2022, Berlin.

2022: Economic Cooperation with Chinese Characteristics? Trade and Investment Under Conditions of Localization and Decoupling. Closed-door discussion at the German parliament “Bundestag”, 8 September 2022, Berlin.

2022: Crash course for staff of the German parliament in the premises of the “Bundestag”, 11 July 2022, Berlin.

2022: German-China relations - a general assessment and the digital dimension. International diplomatic training of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 24 June 2022, Berlin.

2022: How shall we cooperate with a systemic rival? From combatting climate change to driving global innovation. Closed-door discussion at the German parliament “Bundestag”, 23 June 2022, Berlin.

2022: European strategic sovereignty and the digital China challenge: discussing impulses of the new German government. Workshop of the German Council on Foreign Relations in cooperation with Gyde Jensen, member of the German parliament, 2-3 June 2022, Berlin.

2022: The return of geopolitics: How does the return of “spheres of influence”-thinking shape the relations with China? Closed-door discussion at the German parliament “Bundestag”, 12 May 2022, Berlin.

2022: Book launch "China's Foreign Policy Contradictions". Permanent Representation of Germany to the European Union, 25 April 2022, Brussels.

2022: China's technical standardization and its implications for Sweden and the EU. Presentation to Swedish Government’s “Team Sweden-China”, 21 April 2022, Stockholm.

2022: China's technical standardization power - a concern for NATO? Presentation to the Political Committee of NATO, 11 April 2022, Brussels.

2022 (with Liesbet van der Perre): 5G: Where are we going in EU-China relations? Virtual presentation to the meeting of the EU Digital Councilors in China, 6 April 2022, Beijing.

2022 (with Jan-Peter Kleinhans): Digital Power China - implications for the EU. Closed-door presentation to the Strategic Policy Planning division of the European External Action Service, 15 March 2022, Brussels.

2022: China's Foreign Policy Contradictions - the case of the PRC’s WTO policy. Book presentation to the European Commission, DG Trade, 19 January 2022, Brussels.

2022 (with Jörg Wuttke): The shape of things to come: China's technical standardization policy and its implications for the EU. Presentation to the European Commission, DG Trade, 13 January 2022, Brussels.

2021: Technical standard setting in China. Virtual Briefing to the NATO Standardization Committee. 8 November 2021, Brussels.

2021 No harm, but how much good for the EU? Assessing the CAI's standardisation clause. Study commissioned and financed by Reinhard Bütikofer on behalf of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament.

2021: Expert at a hearing of the German parliament’s foreign affairs committee (Auswärtiger Ausschuss des Deutschen Bundestages) on China’s geopolitics of technical standardization, Berlin, 7 June 2021.

2021: China’s foreign economic policy and its implications for Europe in general and the role of technical standardization in particular. Presentation at the seminar “Regulation, Standards, Innovation and Trade, Kommerskollegium, 26 May 2021, Stockholm.

2021: China Standards 2035. Presentation to the German Industry Association BDI. 13 January 2021, Berlin.

2020: The future of standardisation of construction products. Presentation at the virtual conference “Construction Products – Fit for the Future”, German EU Council Presidency, Ministry of Interior, 20 November 2020, Berlin.

2020: Commissioned study for the European Commission (DG GROW) on China’s technical standardization policy and its implications for the EU.

2019: EU-China Relations in light of the BRI. Presentation at the German-Nordic-Baltic Forum, Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 22 November 2019, Tallinn.

2019: Europe’s approach to technical standardization and China’s rise. Presentation at a panel discussion organized by the Green Grouping in the European Parliament and the German Institute for Standardisation (DIN), 9 October 2019, Brussels.

2019: China’s geopolitics of technical standardization – a challenge for Europe? Presentation at the High-level meeting on technical standardization, organized by the Romanian Presidency of the European Council, 7 June 2019, Bucharest.

2019: 5G, Europe and the tech rivalry between the US and China, Policy Lunch at the German Permanent Representation of Germany to the EU, 6 June 2019, Brussels.

2019: State and future of Europe-China Relations. Electoral Recess Training of the European Parliamentary Research Service 2019. Workshop on EU-China Relations. 21 May 2019, European Parliament, Brussels.

2019: Political values in Europe-China relations. Presentation at the European Parliament, 30 January 2019, Brussels.

2019: The role of political values in the policies of the European Union and its member states towards China. Presentation for COASI representatives of the European Council at the Royal “Egmont” Institute, 29 January 2019, Brussels.

2018: European foreign policy and the role of political values in China. Presentation at the European External Action Service (EEAS), 7 December 2018, Brussels.

2018: Assessing of EU projects promoting political value in China. Presentation with the European Commission (DG DEVCO), 6 December 2018, Brussels.

2018: My edited report “Political values in EU-China relations”: on the list of “recommended readings” by the US State Department for all diplomatic missions of the United States.

Conferences, workshops, lectures, panel discussions:

2025: China in a geopolitical age. Guest lecture at the University of Maastricht. 16 April 2025, Maastricht.

2025: EU-Japan Track 1.5 Dialogue. 20 February 2025, Tokyo.

2025: What Future Relationship with China: Cooperation, Competition, or Confrontation? Panel discussion at the Ambassadors' Conference of the European External Action Service (EEAS). 7 February 2025, Brussels.

2025: China in multilateral institutions. Presentation at the annual retreat of the EU Heads of Delegation to UNESCO. 30 January 2025, Paris.

2024: Sino-German Think Tank Dialogue. 14-21 December 2024, Beijing and Shanghai.

2024: Economic Cooperation between Russia and China: Realities and Potentials of a 'Friendship without Limits'. Panel discussion of the SWP EU Office. 12 December 2024, Brussels.

2024: From Washington to Brussels: Trump’s victory and the future of US and EU foreign policy. LinkedIn online event of the EUISS. 19 November 2024, Brussels.

2024: Transatlantic China policy after the EU and US elections. Closed-door discussion at the Hoover Institution. 13 November 2024, Washington D.C.

2024: EU-India Strategic Dialogue. 22 October 2024, Delhi.

2024: Future of Global Artificial Intelligence Governance: Co-creating an Approach for Transforming Economies and Societies. Dinner debate of the 2024 OECD Global Strategy Group meeting. 15 October 2024, Paris.

2024: China in a geopolitical age. Guest lecture at the University of Maastricht. 17 April 2024, Maastricht.

2024: De-risking – nur wie? Panel discussion at the „Mannheim Forum” at Mannheim University, 9 March 2024, Mannheim.

2024: Leveraging European technological strengths vis-a-vis China? Workshop of the Digital Power China research consortium and Working Group 2 (“high technology and innovation”) of the China in Europe Research Network (CHERN). 23-25 January 2024, Brussels.

2023: Deutschlands neue China-Strategie – Bestandsaufnahme und Ausblick. Power Lunch des DGAP Regionalforums München. 12 October 2023, Munich (virtual).

2023: Geopolitik und technische Standardisierung. Vortrag bei der Physikalisch-technischen Bundesanstalt. 21 September 2023, Braunschweig.

2023: Chinese and European perspective on emerging and foundational technologies. DGAP-SIIS-technology Dialogue. 21 July 2023, Shanghai/Berlin (virtual).

2023: Strategic Autonomy from China: how Europe can remain technologically indispensable. CHERN/DPC scoping workshop. 10-11 July 2023, London.

2023: DGAP’s Morning Briefing: Europe’s Economic Security Strategy. Panel discussion at the German Council on Foreign Relations. 22 June 2023, Berlin (virtual).

2023: Expert Roundtable on EU and China digital policies. Digital Society Institute. ESMT Berlin. 20 June 2023, Berlin.

2023: Brownbag on European digital sovereignty from China. Expert discussion at the Center for Strategic and Emerging Technologies (CSET) at the Georgetown University. 8 June 2023, Washington D.C.

2023: Technology Ecosystem: 5G Communications. Panel discussion at the ORF America Workshop “Technology Alliance and Emerging Technologies”. 6 June 2023, Washington D.C.

2023: China’s role in the European Union: Should Europe reduce their dependence on China? Panel discussion at the Humboldt Forum Wirtschaft, Humboldt University of Berlin. 31 May, Berlin.

2023: Digitale Seidenstraße - Chinas Pläne und Europas Rolle. Expert discussion of the „Digitaler Salon” at the China Club. 23 May 2023, Berlin.

2023: Approaching China in times to come. Czech-German think tank dialogue. 17 May 2023, Prague.

2023: China: Innovation superpower – doomed to fail? Lecture at the Technical University of Berlin. 15 May 2023, Berlin (virtual)

2023: China and the International Maritime Ports – Cooperation and Security Challenges. Panel discussion at the Polish Academy of Sciences. 15 May 2023, Warsaw (virtual).

2023: Standards und Staatskapitalismus – Chinas Rolle bei der Setzung internationaler Normen. Panel discussion at the University of Bonn. 11 May 2023, Bonn (virtual).

2023: Challenges of EU-China relations. Discussion with students of the CIFE masters program. 27 April 2023, Berlin.

2023: China als Rivale – Die chinesische Disruption verändert weltweit das geopolitische Gleichgewicht. Wie reagieren Deutschland und die EU? Presentation to the Table.China Event “China 2023 Strategie”, 25 April 2023, Berlin.

2023: DGAP’s Morning Briefing: China and Europe’s Strategic Autonomy. Panel discussion at the German Council on Foreign Relations, 20 April 2023, Berlin (virtual).

2023: China’s technology foreign policy. Presentation to the China College of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, 31 March 2023, Berlin.

2023: Observations on key outcomes of the NPC – post-Covid economy, policy, people. Webinar with Markus Herrmann of the China Macro Group, China in Europe Research Network (CHERN) WG 2 “high-technology and innovation”, 30 March 2023, Berlin (virtual).

2023: China’s geopolitics of technology – implications for Europe. Seminar of the Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum, 28 March 2023, Stockholm.

2023: Technical standardization and innovation in a changing geopolitical landscape – will Sweden be squeezed into geopolitical frictions? Seminar of the Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum, 27 March 2023, Stockholm.

2023: Geopolitical dynamics and mineral supply chains: Strategic approaches. SWP conference, 2 March 2023, Berlin.

2023: Tech innovation and the EU – a Swedish perspective. Webinar with Björn Fägersten, Swedish Institute of International Affairs and Politea of the China in Europe Research Network (CHERN) WG 2 “high-technology and innovation”, 1 March 2023, Berlin (virtual).

2023: Europe’s Strategic Technology Autonomy and Dependencies on China: Discussing the Findings of the Latest Digital Power China Report. Roundtable on the occasion of the publication of the new DPC study, 13 February 2023, Berlin (virtual).

2023: China, supply chain dependencies and Europe’s foreign policy interests. Seminar of EY and United Europe, 6 February 2023, Berlin.

2023: Europe’s strategic technology autonomy from China – assessing foundational and emerging technologies. Launch of a new report. DGAP, 25 January 2023, Brussels (virtual).

2023: China’s tech power and its implications for NATO, presentation at the “Bridging Allies” workshop of the Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy of the Free University of Brussels (VUB), 25 January 2023, Brussels.

2023: Young leaders forum of Deutsche Bank, 17 January 2023, Berlin.

2022: Europe’s strategic technology autonomy from China – assessing foundational and emerging technologies. Pre-launch of a new report. DGAP, 15 December, Berlin.

2022: The Race for Technology: Building Resilient Transatlantic Trade Relations. Panel discussion at the conference "The Future of Transatlantic Relations: The Changing Politics of Transatlantic Trade Relations", Bundeskanzler-Helmut-Schmidt-Stiftung, 8 December, Hamburg.

2022: China – Weltmacht mit Widersprüchen: Der Aufstieg der Volksrepublik und seine Folgen für die internationale Ordnung und Europa. Buchpräsentation mit Jürgen Trittin, Friedolin Strack, Nadine Godehardt und Thomas Reichart, DGAP, 2 December, Berlin.

2022: China's foreign policy contradictions. Book launch at the Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (Inalco), 30 November, Paris.

2022: Russia’s War in Ukraine: Repercussions and Implications for the Security Order in the Indo-Pacific. Panel discussion of the DGAP Regional Forum Frankfurt with General Ben Hodges among others, 25 November, Frankfurt.

2022: Transatlantic Cooperation in Global Technology Standards Competition with China: An American-German Workshop. American Institute for German Studies at Johns Hopkins University, 14 November 2022, Washington D.C.

2022: Cyber Postures and Dynamics: China, Russia, United States and Europe. Workshop of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) and the Observer Research Foundation America (ORF America), 2-3 November, Washington D.C.

2022: Digital Power China - assessing implications for Europe's strategic autonomy. Paper workshop. 19-20 October 2022, Berlin.

2022: Widersprüchliche Weltmacht China – Was bedeutet der Aufstieg der Volksrepublik für die internationale Ordnung und für Europa? Panel discussion at the "Frankfurter Salon", 18 October 2022, Frankfurt.

2022: Strategic competition: statecraft for a multipolar age? CSDS Defence and Statecraft Forum, 6 October 2022, Brussels (virtual).

2022 (with Rogier Creemers): The Great Rectification of China’s Platform Economy. Webinar of the WG 2 of the China in Europe Research Network, 7 September 2022, Leiden (virtual).

2022 (with Jana Puglierin, Jerker Hellström and Björn Fägersten): Swedish and German Perspectives on Security Challenges: What Ukraine Could Mean for Taiwan, rountable at the German Council on Foreign Relations, 5 September 2022, Berlin.

2022: How to study China's digital technology policy in times of the pandemic?, workshop at the China in Europe Research Network conference, 3 September 2022, Paris.

2022 (with Agatha Kratz, John Lee and Sanne van der Lugt): How Can Europe Achieve Strategic Autonomy in Digital Tech from China?, Round table at the China in Europe Research Network conference, 2 September 2022, Paris.

2022: Digitalmacht China. Workshop der deutschen Begabtenförderwerke, 30 August 2022, Heidelberg.

2022: Technical standardization in China's smart state approach. Workshop at the Leiden Asia Centre, 5-6 July 2022, Leiden.

2022: Book launch "China's Foreign Policy Contradictions". Elcano Royal Institute, 7 June 2022, Madrid.

2022: Influencing technical standardization settings in China? Webinar of the Danish-Chinese Business Forum, 1 June 2022, Copenhagen (virtual).

2022: The geopolitical turn of technology. Keynote at the CDIS Conference. Center for Cyber Defense and Information Security of the Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm (KTH), 24 May 2022, Stockholm.

2022: Book launch "China's Foreign Policy Contradictions". Finish Institute of International Affairs, 19 May 2022, Helsinki.

2022: Europäische Souveränität stärken, Abhängigkeiten reduzieren: Die Bedeutung von Mikrochips in Zeiten geopolitischer Spannungen. DGAP Studiengruppe Europa. 17 May 2022, Berlin.

2022: Book launch "China's Foreign Policy Contradictions". University of Copenhagen, 16 May 2022, Copenhagen.

2022: Book launch "China's Foreign Policy Contradictions". Stradiņš University Riga, 13 May 2022, Riga.

2022: Was bedeutet Chinas neue Normungsstrategie für Deutschland und Europa? Presentation at the Kommission Arbeitsschutz und Normung, 11 May 2022, Berlin.

2022: Empirical Research Roundtable on Standardization. Northwestern University, 5-6 May 2022, Chicago.

2022: The China factor in the Russia-Ukraine conflict: Implications for EU-China relations. CHERN Research Highlights, 28 April 2022, Amsterdam (virtual).

2022: China - eine digitale Macht!? Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik, 26 April 2022, Berlin.

2022: Book launch "China's Foreign Policy Contradictions". Swedish Center for China Studies and Centre for Global Asia at Stockholm University, 22 April 2022, Stockholm.

2022: Russlands und Chinas Internet - Was die strategischen Pläne dieser Länder für die Freiheit im Internet bedeuten. Expert round table of the Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung, 7 April, virtual, Berlin.

2022: Book launch "China's Foreign Policy Contradictions". Clingendael Institute and Leiden Asia Centre, 4 April 2022, The Hague.

2022: Global Impact Assessment: The Digital Silk Road and China’s Technology Standards. Panelist in the panel of the Asia Society Policy Institute, 10 March 2022, virtual, New York.

2022: Wie sollten Deutschland und Europa China bei der digitalen Transformation begegnen? Short presentation at the "Außenpolitischer Ausblick 2022: Deutschland vor neuen strategischen Aufgaben" event, DGAP, 25 January 2022, virtual, Berlin.

2022: The Geopolitics of Technology and Standards. Keynote at the International Think Tank Summit. Avenir Suisse, 20 January 2022, virtual, Zurich.

2021: EU-China: Normen und Standards, Presentation (in German) at a webinar of the Industrie- und Handelskammer zu Köln, 16 December 2021, virtual webinar, Köln.

2021 (with Björn Fägersten and Jörg Wuttke): Technical standardisation: the future battleground of the future. Implications for the European Union and European business in China, virtual study launch/press conference of The Swedish Institute of International Affairs and the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China. 2 December 2021, Beijing and Stockholm.

2021: Normen für China, Virtuelles DIN/DKE Frühstück: China und die Normung. 9 November 2021, Berlin.

2021: Technology Competition between Innovation and Standardization. Asan-ECFR Strategic Consultation Meeting. European Council on Foreign Relations. 4 October 2021, Berlin.

2021: Keynote at the ZVEI EuropElectro General Assembly: China's standardization ambitions. 29 September 2021, Brussels/Frankfurt (virtual meeting).

2021: The Chinese standardisation system - opportunities and challenges for European companies, at the webinar "How to pursue a positive agenda with China? part 1: Standards" of BusinessEurope, 29 September 2021, Brussels (virtual).

2021 (with Rogier Creemers & Carlo Fischione): “Getting China’s digital technology policy right: implications for the EU”, closed-door Workshop “Assessing the implications of China’s digital power for the EU” jointly organized by the Digital Power China consortium and the China in Europe Research Network, 21-22 September 2021, Brussels.

2021: “Assessing the implications of China’s digital power for the EU”, round table discussion with Stasa Novak (Cyber Attaché of the Slovenian EU Council Presidency) & Carlo Fischione (Royal Institute of Technology), closed-door Workshop “Assessing the implications of China’s digital power for the EU” jointly organized by the Digital Power China consortium and the China in Europe Research Network, 21-22 September 2021, Brussels.

2021: “How to react to China’s digital power? Reflections on findings from the first workshop day through the lenses of EU institutions”, round table discussion with Bernardo Costa Pereira (former Cyber Attaché, Portuguese Permanent Representation to the EU), Alejandro Cainzos (European Commission, Cabinet Vestager), Dominic Porter (European External Action Service, incoming Head of Unit, China Division), closed-door Workshop “Assessing the implications of China’s digital power for the EU” jointly organized by the Digital Power China consortium and the China in Europe Research Network, 21-22 September 2021, Brussels.

2021 (with Liesbet van der Perre): “Wireless networks beyond the “Huawei debate”: collaboration and competition on 5G and 6G”, closed-door Workshop “Assessing the implications of China’s digital power for the EU” jointly organized by the Digital Power China consortium and the China in Europe Research Network, 21-22 September 2021, Brussels.

2021 (with Maja Björk): “Power competition and technical standardization: future directions”, closed-door Workshop “Assessing the implications of China’s digital power for the EU” jointly organized by the Digital Power China consortium and the China in Europe Research Network, 21-22 September 2021, Brussels.

2021: “Assessing the implications of China’s digital power for the EU”, round table discussion with Thibaut Kleiner (Director CNECT.D Policy Strategy and Outreach) and Romana Vlahutin (European External Action Service, Ambassador at Large for Connectivity) , closed-door Workshop “Assessing the implications of China’s digital power for the EU” jointly organized by the Digital Power China consortium and the China in Europe Research Network, 21-22 September 2021, Brussels.

2021: German China policy after the elections. Presentation in the UI Seminar “Germany: Foreign Policy After the Election”, Stockholm, 17 September 2021.

2021 (with Jan-Peter Kleinhans): Future directions of Europe-China high tech collaboration. Closed-door workshop of the Swedish National Competence Center on China (NKK), Stockholm, 16 September 2021.

2021: China auf dem Weg zur Normungsweltmacht – Forschungsprojekt „China Standards 2035“, 9th Global Norm Conference Product Compliance, Berlin (virtual conference), 9 September 2021.

2021: Projecting China’s digital power internationally – Europe and the Indo-Pacific, Round table, China in Europe Research Network/Digital Power China virtual workshop, 18 June 2021.

2021: Thinking about digital technology at a critical junction: What to make of China’s 14th Five-Year Plan in light of the EU’s 2030 Digital Compass, Round table, China in Europe Research Network/Digital Power China virtual workshop, 14 June 2021.

2021: Standardization for European corporates in China. EU working group on innovaton in China. 27 May 2021, Beijing. (virtual)

2021: Technical Standards: A New Realm of China’s International Influence? Round table at the European Institute for Chinese Studies (EURICS), 11 May 2021, Paris. (virtual)

2021: The Geopolitics of standards. Presentation at the "practice session" of US Women in Standards. 8 April 2021, Washington D.C. (virtual).

2021: Chinese digital influence. Panel discussion in a CEPA event. 22 March 2021, Washington D.C. (virtual).

2021: Global Views on China. Presentation at the "CHERN Research Highlights" event. 11 February 2021 (virtual).

2021: China: Foreign policy of a rising power. Guest lecture at the Versalius College, Free Universty of Brussels. 1 February 2021, Brussels (virtual).

2021: China-EU Geopolitics: The Geopolitics of Standards and 5G. Presentation to the "China Society" of the European Commission Bluebook Trainees. 8 January 2021, Brussels (virtual).

2020/2021: Chinese influence through technical standardization power. Paper presented at the workshop "Conceptualising and Measuring Influence of China", Hong Kong University, 11 December 2020 and 20 April 2021, Hong Kong (virtual).

2020: The geopolitics of technology and communication. Presentation and participation in a panel discussion at the Internet Governance Forum Spain, 22 October 2020, virtual conference, Madrid.

2020: Zukunftsmärkte formen – EU, China, und technische Standardisierung. Presentation (in German) at a webinar of the Industrie- und Handelskammer zu Köln, 8 October 2020, virtual webinar, Köln.

2020: What about Hong Kong? The “City of Protest” after the introduction of the National Security Law. Lecture at the University of Uppsala. 16 September 2020, Uppsala.

2020: What future for the EU-China relations in the post-Covid 19 World? Participation in the panel discussion of Vocal Europe (video conference), 23 June 2020, Brussels.

2020: Hong Kong and the Quest for Democracy and Freedom under Chinese Rule. Moderation of webinar with Joshua Wong, Martin Lee and Prof Eliza Lee. The Swedish Institute of International Affairs, 10 June 2020, Stockholm/Hong Kong.

2020: China’s standardization policy. Presentation at the Working Group on Standardization in China of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, video conference, 9 June 2020, Beijing/Shanghai.

2020: China’s politics of standardization. Implications for Europe’s railway industry. Presentation to the Standardization Working Group of UNIFE, video conference, 5 May 2020, Brussels.

2020: Technical standardization, China and the future international order. Presentation of a report on China’s growing footprint in technical standardization, Heinrich-Böll Foundation, EU Office, Brussels, 3 March 2020, Brussels.

2020: The EU’s Reactive Approach to Rising Tensions Between the US and China. Presentation at the launch of the 2019 ETNC Report. European Policy Centre, 24 February 2020, Brussels.

2020: Hong Kong – City of Protest. Lecture at the University of Uppsala. 20 January 2020, Uppsala.

2019: Behind the headlines: protests in Hong Kong. Lecture at the Museum of East Asian Antiquities, 3 December 2019, Stockholm.

2019: The New Superpower. How will the Rise of China Change the World? Panel discussion at the “Battle of ideas” festival, 30 November 2019, Stockholm.

2019: Recent Trends in China’s Public Diplomacy. Case Studies from Europe, Asia, Afrika and Latin America. Presentation at the Roundtable on “Engaging with China: Challenges and the Way Forward in Higher Education, Human Rights and Public Diplomacy”, Raoul Wallenberg Institute, 6 November 2019, Stockholm.

2019: The European Standardization System. CEN-CENELC Workshop at the General Meeting of the International Electrotechnical Commission, 23 October 2019, Shanghai.

2019: China’s Impact on Democratic Values. Presentation at the ChinaBRIDGE Europe Roundtable. Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM), 12 September 2019, Warszawa.

2019: In search for a European Approach to the BRI – the Role of Scandinavia. Presentation at the Seminar “The Scandinavian direction in transcontinental connectivity: the role of Latvia” by the New Silk Road Programme of the Latvian Institute of International Affairs, 20 June 2019, Riga.

2019 (with Daniel Voelsen): 5G, Europe and the tech rivalry between the US and China, SWP Expert Exchange, 16 May 2019, Brussels.

2019: China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Towards a New International Order? UI Seminar, 9 May 2019, Stockholm.

2019: The geopolitics of standards – flow control. Presentation at Ericsson, 7 May 2019, Stockholm.

2019 (with Maja Björk): China’s rise in 5G standardization – a (security) challenge for Europe? European workshop on technical standardization at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, 26 April 2019, Stockholm.

2019: The geo-politics of technical standardization. European workshop on technical standardization at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, 26 April 2019, Stockholm.

2019 (with Björn Fägersten): China’s Standard Power. Swedish Roundtable on technical standardization at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, 18 February 2019, Stockholm.

2019: Neither norm-breaker nor norm-maker: China’s successes in shaping international legal norms. ISA Annual Convention, 29 March 2019, Toronto/Canada.

2019: China, the mysterious country – notes on the domestic-foreign nexus of Chinese policy-making. Presentation at “Folk och Försvar”, 5 March 2019, Stockholm.

2019: How is China’s Rise Changing the Liberal International Order? Lecture at the University of Exeter. 6 February 2019, Exeter.

2019: Europe-China Relations. The Role of Political Values. UI Seminar. 5 February 2019, Stockholm.

2018: Political values in Europe-China Relations. Presentation of the ETNC Report 2018 at the Royal “Egmont” Institute, 6 December 2018, Brussels.

2018: What is ahead of China’s financial system? Implications for Europe. Panel discussion at the European Institute for Asian Studies, 27 March 2018, Brussels.

2018: China’s assertiveness in the South China Sea. Discussant to a book presentation by Dr Richard Turcsanyi at the European Institute for Asian Studies, 1 March 2018, Brussels.

2016: Legitimate governance and state sovereignty in times of globalization. Europe and China in search of a “new deal”. Lecture at the China Foreign Affairs University, Peking.

2016: How Does China Deal with the Quest of Self-determination in Greater China? The case of Hong Kong. Presented at the International Studies Association Asia-Pacific conference, 25-27 June 2016, City University of Hong Kong.

2016: How does China impact the future international political order? Conceptual reflections of the “China model” in light of China’s fragmented polity. Presented at the International Studies Association Asia-Pacific conference, 25-27 June 2016, City University of Hong Kong.

2015/2016: How do Chinese view global governance? Chinese perspectives on the legitimacy deficit of global governance. Presented at the SWEPSA-conference, 14-16 October 2015, Stockholm as well as at the European Workshops in International Studies (EWIS-Workshops) of the European International Studies Association, 6-8 April 2016, Tübingen.

2015: “Do you hear the people sing” “Lift your umbrella”? Understanding Hong Kong’s pro-democratic umbrella movement through YouTube music videos. Presented at the Popular culture and World Politics Conference, 20-21 November 2015, University of Westminster, London. Lectures on similar topics have been held at the institute of media studies at the University of Stockholm, the institute of Political Science at Frankfurt University and the institute of China Studies at the University of Stockholm.

2015: Theorizing? IR in Contemporary China: The Role of Norms, Processes and Practices. Presented at the International Studies Association Annual Convention, 18-21 February 2015, New Orleans.

2015: Norms and Processes: Thinking about IR in Contemporary China. Presented at the International Studies Association Annual Convention, 18-21 February 2015, New Orleans.

2015: China and its WTO commitments: How interest groups shape China´s trade policies. Presented at the Global South Caucus conference of the International Studies Association, 8-10 January 2015, Singapore.

2015: Who makes Chinese foreign policy? Bringing the administration, think tanks and society back in. Presented at the Global South Caucus conference of the International Studies Association, 8-10 January 2015, Singapore.

2014: Zwischen Norm und Pragmatismus: Der Staat und die neue chinesische Weltordnung? (in German) [Between norm and pragmatism: The state and the new Chinese world order] Presented at the workshop "Der Staat in globaler Perspektive", 30-31 January 2014, University of Kassel.

2013: From Red Hacker Attack to Ai Weiwei’s “Dumbass”. Mapping Chinese cyber-activism and online debates and its impact on Chinese foreign relations. Presented at the “Pirating the Popular. Popular Culture and World Politics Conference”, 13-14 September 2013, Stockholm.

2011: (with Matthias Dembinski and Britta Weiffen): Rising States in a World of Regions. Regional Policies of the United States and China in Comparison. Presented at the ECPR General Conference, Reykjavik, 25-27 August 2011.

2011: Western Individual or Chinese Collective? Towards a Trans-Individual Understanding of Morality. Presented at the young researchers conference “Liberalism: Causing or Resolving the Crises of Global Governance?”, 3-6 February 2011, Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main.