25 years after the handover of Hong Kong

25 years after the handover of Hong Kong

    On 1 July 1997, Hong Kong was handed back from British colonial rule to China. The People's Republic promised a "high degree of autonomy" under the "one country, two systems" principle until 2047. 25 years later, it has broken this promise.

    In 2020, China imposed a National Security Law on Hong Kong ending a number of civil liberties that had been guaranteed under the Sino-British Joing Declaration, a bilateral treaty between the United Kingdom and the People's Republic. The breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration is thus a violation of international law.

    Hong Kong, until recently a city of protest, is not what it used to be.

    Read, listen and watch my take 25 years after the handover:

    Postcast with Oxford Comment:

    OUP Podcast on Hong Kong

    Podcast (in German) with Florian Schröder - radio1, rbb:

    Hongkong - seit 25 Jahren Teil Chinas - wach & wichtig - Podcast mit Florian Schröder

    Watch the 30-minutes TV interview (in German) at tagesschau24.

    Tagesschau 24 Interview: "Im Gespräch": Ulrich Timm bespricht politische Lage in Hongkong mit Dr. Tim Rühlig von Deutscher Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik